We talk guilty pleasures, crushes + stereotypes with models (and IRL couple) Jasmine Tookes and Tobias Sorensen

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Kate Moss and Mark Wahlberg. Christy Turlington and Ed Burns. Justin Bieber and Lara Stone. Models Jasmine Tookes and Tobias Sorensen are in good company as the latest campaign faces for Calvin Klein. The IRL couple—with plenty of selfies to prove it—had been dating for about a year when the brand handpicked them to star in the ad for its new fragrance, Eternity Now.

On a recent trip to Toronto, we sat down with the pair and talked about everything from sharing beauty products (he’s partial to her La Mer) to male model stereotypes. (Yes, he hits the gym hard and posts multiple photos of himself shirtless on Instagram, but Sorensen was a total sweetheart, and is clearly smitten with Tookes.) With their crazy demanding schedules, they’re rarely home at the same time, so they love the fact that they can travel together for this gig. (Cue “Awws.”) It also means they can binge-watch their favourite show: The Bachelor. Model couples, they’re just like us.

Who is more attached to their phone?

TS: I would say Jasmine.

JT: I’m [only] on my phone when I’m making a post. I think he spends more time…

TS: Let’s just say we’re both a little too attached to our phones.

Jasmine, what emojis does Tobias use most often?

JT: You know what, he doesn’t use emojis.

TS: I don’t even think I have emojis on my phone.

JT: If he did use one, I think it would be a smiley face.

What about Jasmine, Tobias?

TS: There are so many. Sometimes she just texts me in emojis. There are no words. It’s just emojis! It actually makes sense if I sit there and study it. Her favourite emoji? I think it’s the [flamenco dancer].

If you could write each other’s social media bio, what would it say?

TS: I think hers would just be blank. She’s very private. We’re very different. I’m very open and I like to meet new people. I like to talk, sometimes a bit too much.

JT: His would say something about a gym and working out. That’s all he does. “Find me at the gym!”

TS: That’s a good one. It’s a mental thing. I like working out. I work out six times a week and now I’ve got Jasmine into all that.

Have you ever done beauty treatments together?

JT: We go to the spa together and get massages together.

TS: One of those couples treatments where you lay in a Jacuzzi and you get a massage next to each other. I’m very open when she suggests these things. I want to tag along! It’s fun. I want the treatments too!

Do you go to a specific spa?

JT: Our favourite spa is at the Trump in Soho.

What about at home treatments?

JT: I have this personal steamer. You steam your face. He tries it, too.

TS: It’s intense!

Jasmine, is there anything of yours that is off limits to Tobias?

JT: My whole vanity cabinet. Any time he opens it, something falls out and breaks. I’m like, “Stop touching my stuff!”

TS: I don’t know how many times I’ve ruined her expensive face lotion. It’s like a $500 bottle of something.

JT: I had La Mer and he broke that.

TS: We also got something at a dermatologist’s office. It was very expensive. I broke that, too.

TS: Now there’s a sign saying, “Do not touch.”

There’s a sign?

JT: No, but he knows. I’m like, “I’ll get it for you.”

Do have a favourite restaurant or take-out place that you both like?

JT: Our go-to takeout place is this Thai place. I think I order from them every single day. I’m not even kidding.

TS: She only has four places, pretty much.

JT: It’s called Go Go Thai and it’s the best.

TS: She just goes in circles between those places.

TS: I try to eat a little healthier than Jasmine. She’s all about Taco Bell and pizza…

JT: I love pizza!

TS: She’ll order chicken wings at 2 or 3 o’ clock in the morning. I like green places, like Westville.

Let’s talk about celeb crushes. Who is Tobias into, Jasmine?

JT: I’d say either Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba.

TS: You’re right.

What about Jasmine?

TS: Johnny Depp or George Clooney.

JT: True! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Johnny Depp or George Clooney in person. I’ve seen J. Lo and Jessica Alba.

Those two are harder to pin down.

TS: That’s what makes them more interesting.

They’re a little more mysterious.

JT: That’s probably why all the girls like them.

What was it like working together on this campaign?

JT: It was amazing. It was a dream come true to work for such an iconic brand and to do it together. We felt really comfortable rolling around in the sheets together.

TS: We’re very honoured to do it and to be chosen for the fragrance.

JT: I didn’t want to get too excited until I was on set. Even when I was on set, I was like, “I don’t want to get too excited until it’s in a magazine.” You never know.

TS: It was very, very…it’s a good feeling, doing it together. It made it very real. There was natural chemistry. We know each other so well and know each other’s boundaries. It made it a lot easier.

Is there an unspoken rule in the industry about not dating other models?

TS: I’ve heard that a lot. This is the first time for me that I’ve ever dated a girl from the industry.

JT: I just never wanted to date another model because with male models, there’s a stereotype that they’re all about themselves and not the smartest people. It isn’t fair.

TS: Don’t put fuel on the fire by saying that, Jasmine! [Both of us being models] makes it a whole lot easier. We understand each other’s work. We’re able to travel together. If she has to go away for work and I have to go away, it gives us time to ourselves. We get to miss each other. I like that. There’s not a jealousy that I’ve found in other relationships. She knows it’s my job and vice versa.

Can you remind us how you two met?

JT: We met on a night out. We had mutual friends at a nightclub—I hate to say that. He was at a table and I was at a [different] table. We were both kind of staring at each other for a while. He started making his way towards me and I made my way away from him.

TS: You make me sound like such a creep.

JT: I started to get nervous. He was so cute.

TS: I approached her and we talked. We didn’t talk much that night—maybe a minute or two. I introduced myself and got her name. that was it. I left and went back to my friends. Before I left the club, I went back to her and I asked for her number and if she’d like to go out for coffee one day. She took my phone and gave me the wrong number. That’s what she told me later on. I was about to walk away. She said, “No! Hang on a second. Let me see the phone—I think I typed it wrong.” I left the club with the right number.

So you called and went for coffee?

TS: It took a while. I think I waited three days before I texted her and then she waited four days before texting me back. It went on like that for two months. Sometimes we would see each other out briefly at a club, but we didn’t have a first date for two months after that night.

Tobias, you mentioned earlier that you don’t like texting?

TS: I hate texting.

Why is that?

TS: It takes too much time. You can’t express yourself in a text. I feel like things get misunderstood because you’ve sent the wrong emoji or whatever. I like to talk. I’m more old-school. Whenever she texts me, I just call her.

JT: Or if I text him and he doesn’t answer, I just call him. I know he won’t answer. I feel like [texting] is easier for me. I’m more quiet and reserved.

Do you guys binge watch anything together?

JT: The Bachelor.

TS: She got me into that. It’s a horrible show.

What do you think of the new Bachelor?

JT: I like him. I think it’ll be good.

TS: I’ve only seen the past few seasons because of Jasmine. It’s quite entertaining, I have to admit that.

The post We talk guilty pleasures, crushes + stereotypes with models (and IRL couple) Jasmine Tookes and Tobias Sorensen appeared first on FASHION Magazine.