What’s in your bag, Jay Manuel?

When we heard Jay Manuel was in town promoting his raved-about makeup line, available on The Shopping Channel, we couldn’t wait to catch up with him. After 18 seasons of America’s Next Top Model, Jay Manuel shed his role as coach to model hopefuls and started focusing more on his own vision for what women’s beauty should look like. Using what he had learned from every runway and red carpet look he had ever done, Jay sought out to create his own line of beauty products. His makeup line, Jay Manuel Beauty, is all about giving you makeup artist results without actually needing one.

As you can imagine we were dying to see and test out all the makeup goodies he had in his (ahem, Givenchy) bag. From his amazing array of brushes and multi-tasking mascaras to his must have sunglasses and heavyweight charger, the makeup guru’s bag was enviably organized (and filled with snacks!).

Click through the gallery to find out what’s in Jay Manuel’s bag.

The post What’s in your bag, Jay Manuel? appeared first on FASHION Magazine.