What To Do and Say If Someone You Know Has Breast Cancer

When you find out that someone you know has cancer, it can be hard to know what to do. People tend to either avoid the topic altogether out of fear of saying the wrong thing or they jump on board and perhaps ask too many questions. But the thing is, almost everybody has the best intentions. To help facilitate conversation and to raise money for its charities, ReThink Breast Cancer started a new initiative with Ig2 (which worked on the branding) to stop awkward/intrusive convos in their tracks: Give-A-Care is a line of products from more than ten brands that you can gift to someone undergoing cancer treatment—and they’re more useful and funny than a bouquet of flowers: For instance, the lube (because chemo can send you into early menopause, which means hot flashes and sub-optimal lubrication) is labelled All-the-slow-jams-and-silk-sheets-in-the-world-couldn’t-do-it-for-me-right-now-I-need lube (ha!); and lemon candies (which help counteract the metallic taste that can result from chemo) are called When-life-gives-you-lemons-and-those-lemons-taste-like-chemo-you-need candies. Look through the gallery to see some of our favourites. Then watch our Facebook Live video at the bottom. We talk to four women who had breast cancer and they tell us the things they wish people had or hadn’t said during this difficult time.

Shop the Give-A-Care Collection

Watch the FASHION live chat with four women who had breast cancer

The post What To Do and Say If Someone You Know Has Breast Cancer appeared first on FASHION Magazine.