Why I’m so down with #freeyourpits

Joan's cheerleader

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

I’ve always had a pretty lax beauty routine, which is something I’ve always just assumed made me invariably cool. You know, kind of like a Prada girl who’s always “stepping out of the shower, putting on a really expensive dress and walking out the door.” (A legit inspiration circa Fall 2013, btw.) The same goes for grooming, which I sort of just… fit in when I can.

I spent the summer after Grade 9 at a hippie-bent camp where non-shavers roamed free. One counsellor, in particular, Kit, left the biggest impression with boyish legs and curly hairs peeking out below her shoulders. Sharing the shower with her (actually, it was just a pole with multiple spouts) was a lesson in IDGAF—hair everywhere, and it didn’t even occur to me to care.

Since, shaving my armpits has become reserved for those particularly lazy days during which bathing is the main event. And if a couple weekends pass without one? Them pits are getting dark.

Flaunting my armpits never felt particularly punk until I saw Miley Cyrus doing the same on Instagram earlier this week. Maybe it was a statement (after all, she was inducting Joan Jett into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) or maybe, like me, she was just feeling lazy. But as writer Alice Newell-Hanson raised on I-D’s website earlier today, defining Cyrus’s hairy moment as part of feminism’s new wave seems pretty important—#Freethenipple’s successor, so to speak. Some might argue that labels have traditionally held us back from true self-expression, but latching onto a rolling stone seems like just the thing to do right now.

What better time to improve on my underarm selfies.

The post Why I’m so down with #freeyourpits appeared first on FASHION Magazine.