Why you should forget you ever knew that Kristen Stewart dyed her hair orange

kristen stewart orange hair

Uh oh. Kristen Stewart dyed her hair orange this weekend, but it seems like that was maybe something we were not supposed to know. The bright dye job was for Stewart’s upcoming role in the indie film American Ultra, which is currently filming in New Orleans. Hence, Friday’s Instagram update from a NOLA hair salon, which showed a smiling, orange hair-hued Stewart giving the peace sign while posing next to a stylist.

If there’s one thing we know about Kristen Stewart, it’s that she’s notoriously private—so it comes as no surprise that the Instagram has since been deleted. But that didn’t stop the photo from spreading across the internet in mere minutes. The salon also has no qualms in doing post-dye interviews with media outlets. (Really, is there anything more exciting to a tabloid than a celebrity source willing to go on record?) According to US Weekly, Stewart’s orange hair was at the request of the film’s director—no shocker there—and the salon also told Yahoo that the whole process was very easy. And yet, something tells us that when Stewart needs a root touch up, she’ll be seeking service elsewhere…

The post Why you should forget you ever knew that Kristen Stewart dyed her hair orange appeared first on FASHION Magazine.