Will Kristen Stewart be channeling her Balenciaga look at tonight’s TIFF premiere of On The Road?

Kristen Stewart Balenciaga Florabotanica Toronto TIFF

We’ll take this as a very good sign: the day that Kristen Stewart lands in Toronto for TIFF a new Balenciaga Florabotanica ad makes its debut. The ad, which is comprised almost entirely of her face, has a very different mood from the first campaign image. Kristen Stewart’s hollowed-out cheekbones and deep-set eyes are replaced with bright washes of shimmering coral. It’s certainly more of a Bella Swan-esque doe-eyed look than the her usual brand of grunge-tinged indifference. But the real question is: will she bring this fresh-faced look to the red carpet at this evening’s premiere of On The Road? We’ll obviously be on the lookout for Kristen Stewart during tonight’s TIFF party circuit and keep you posted!

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