Winnipeg: The birthday girl

I just turned 26. (Yes, I put my age on the internet for the whole world to see.) I’m now closer to 30 than 20 and in celebration of becoming one year older (and most importantly, wiser), I decided to buy a scandalous little dress and show some leg, just to prove that I can still run with the best of them.

I admit, I’m more of a ripped jeans and T-shirts kinda girl, but this little number from Hush (203-99 Osborne St., 204-474-1208, made for the perfect “Look at me, it’s my birthday” outfit. Located on one of Winnipeg’s prime shopping streets, Hush has a bounty of flirty dresses to suit any occasion. I love to take pretty girly pieces and add a bit of an edge to them so I took this pink champagne mini dress, which might typically be paired with a pair of dainty high heels, and threw on some slouchy fringed boots and a thick vintage belt. It’s too bad that before anyone got to see me in it, I ended up slopping my birthday dinner down the front. Sigh. I guess there’s always next year.

The post Winnipeg: The birthday girl appeared first on FASHION Magazine.