Worst Dressed 2012: What this year’s top 10 celebrity fashion gaffes have taught us about how not to dress next year

Worst Dressed 2012

With 2013 so close we can nearly taste it, we’re taking some time to look back and reflect on 2012 and learn a little. Our year has been filled with designer switch-ups, Kate Middleton sightings and a whole lot of celebrity spotting. We’ve always been told we’re supposed to learn from our mistakes, but instead we’re ignoring our own and looking to the worst dressed of 2012—from celebrities on the red carpet to their day-to-day lives—for some fashion lessons.

These are (some) of our picks for the worst dressed of 2012, those who offer a learning experience from their fashion flops. While every look may not be a fashion disaster, we’ve learned it’s all about the timing and nature of the event that can take a look from stylish to just plain wrong (à la Kanye West at the 12-12-12 benefit). From Justin Bieber’s decision to wear overalls to a formal event to Angelina Jolie’s right leg showing us how not to pose, we’ve learned a lot over the year and plan to avoid these mistakes at all costs (even if we’ll never be walking a red carpet). Here are our nominees for worst dressed of 2012…

See who made it onto our 10 Worst Dressed 2012! »

The post Worst Dressed 2012: What this year’s top 10 celebrity fashion gaffes have taught us about how not to dress next year appeared first on FASHION Magazine.