Your Go-To Guide for Having a Hot Girl Summer

If you are an avid Internet user like myself, there is a high chance that you have recently come across the phrase, “Hot Girl Summer” which appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began to proliferate across social media. As a post-millennial who is often glued to Twitter and Instagram, I was intrigued. The premise of a Hot Girl Summer sounded enticing, but also vague. More than anything, I had questions, like, “What exactly is a hot girl summer?” “Where did this viral meme start?” And, most importantly, “How can I participate?”

As it turns out, the term Hot Girl Summer was coined by Houston rapper Megan Thee Stallion. The 25-year-old female artist has slowly been getting recognition since 2013 for her music that embraces sexuality and confidence, but recently gained 2 million Instagram followers in the past three months. The rapper goes by “HOT GIRL MEG” on social media, and has appropriately titled her fans as “hotties.”

“Hot Girl Summer” can be traced back to the opening line of “Cash Shit,” in which Megan Thee Stallion starts off the song mumbling, “real hot girl shit.” Fans then adapted the lyrics for their own purposes, and Hot Girl Summer was born. The term has become so widespread that it has become, in essence, a meme:

Although the phrase could seemingly refer to the fact that it is…well…scorching outside, that’s not exactly what Meg’s getting at.  In the words of Megan Thee Stallion herself to The Root at the 2019 BET awards, “It’s just about women and men just being unapologetically them, just having a good ass time. Hyping up your friends, doing you, not giving a damn about what no body has to say about it.” So far Jordyn Woods, Chloe and Halle Bailey, and a whole host of social media randos have latched onto the term and used it to caption photographs of themselves looking cute and feeling confident.

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Despite the countless selfies posted on social media with the caption, being what Megan Thee Stallion considers a “hot girl” isn’t just about reaching a certain standard of physical beauty. It’s about having a boss-like attitude, doing you, and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. If you are having a Hot Girl Summer, you are investing in yourself before anyone else, feeling your best, and achieving your goals, no matter what they may be. And, if you look good when doing all this, then that’s just an extra added bonus.

Hot Girl Summer can mean a whole lot of different things, but most importantly it means whatever you want it to mean. Best of all, it is inclusive. Meg has made it clear that anyone can participate. There are no boundaries or limitations to having a Hot Girl Summer.

Want to have a Hot Girl Summer too? To get into the Hot Girl spirit, we’ve selected the clothing pieces you need to manifest your very own Hot Girl Summer. But remember, the real key to achieving it is approaching each day with a positive mindset and not letting anyone else make you feel less than what you are worth.



The post Your Go-To Guide for Having a Hot Girl Summer appeared first on FASHION Magazine.