FASHION Magazine
11 American Horror Story Costume Ideas and How-Tos for Halloween (or Everyday Life)
Last night saw the world premiere of American Horror Story: Hotel, and contrary to popular belief it was not about the time I stayed in Montreal for three days in a room with a broken bed and stains everywhere. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on what you’d rather watch), it’s another Ryan Murphy free-for-all — […]
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Minimalism and badassery: From House of Cards to Empire, 6 TV characters who use neutrals for power
With the third season premiering today, February 27 officially marks the end of our year-long wait for more House of Cards. This means we’ve had a lot of time to think. (Arguably too much time, but good luck trying not to.) So after the initial shock of season two’s finale wore off, we finally began […]
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SNP’s word of the day: .xxx
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: .xxx
Meaning: the new domain name dot-suffix intended for porn websites
Usage: “.xxx domain names help users find porn, but can they also help block porn?” — the Huffington Post, being its usual middle America–baiting self