FASHION Magazine
How Boy George Shaped My Style — and Sense of Self
You could say I was boy crazy when I was young. I’d toddle around the house, as my father recalls, constantly demanding “George! George! Play George, daddy, play George!” From the tender age of one — when repetition is de rigueur for a child’s development, so I’ve read — I had eyes and ears for […]
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Daily reads: Pretty Boy George, JT on Oprah and London bankers get a dressing down
SONIA RYKIEL Fall 2009. Photography by Peter Stigter There’s a lot of fuss about this humanoid robot model that debuted at Japan Fashion Week. We’re not convinced, though she can probably do a mean Blue Steel. [Yahoo!]
Boy George, beauty star []
The London police say, Hide, ye bankers. G20 protesters are coming to town and will apparently be targeting suit jackets. [Guardian]