FASHION Magazine
Kaitlyn Bristowe Wants You to Chill About Body Odour
Kaitlyn Bristowe knows what it’s like to be in situations that would make anyone sweat. Take competing in the finale of Dancing with the Stars with some 60 million people watching (she won the mirrorball trophy, by the way) or dating a couple dozen men on national television as you search for a potential life […]
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One of the best natural deodorants gets a new spin from Pink Tartan
Back in 2013, Kim Newport-Mimran discovered Leaves of Tree deodorant in a Palm Beach yoga store. The Pink Tartan designer was so impressed by the natural formula’s effectiveness—”It’s the only one that has every truly worked for Joe and myself,” she says—that she immediately began carrying it in her Yorkville boutique. Between her endorsement and […]
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How to find the best deodorant for you (and survive a summer heatwave)
It’s typical to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with your antiperspirant. Of course, we eagerly reach for the stick day after day (particularly in this steamy, sticky summer heat), but we also have our fair share of beef with it. Like, was it necessary to go all white and bally, behind our backs? […]
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Short on prep time? 5 ways to fake a shower
Blame it on your time-saving needs of squeezing in a workout on your lunch break, or your incurable addiction to hitting the snooze button. But whatever the reason, sometimes having a shower just doesn’t fit into our schedules. We mean, it’s not that we’re totally okay with being gross (or maybe we are). It’s just […]
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Natural deodorants that really work: 3 tried and tested picks worthy of your armpits
Photography by Andrea Victory-LaCasse Ever wonder why your super strong deodorant gives off a kind of sweat-mixed-with-fragrance smell on stressful or hot days? It’s not your sweat that smells: it’s the bacteria that’s mixing with it. Add to that the strong fragrance of a deodorant—which does little more than attempt to mask the smell—and you may find that by the end of the day your shirt is soaking and you’re keeping your arms as close to your sides as possible to avoid blasting co-workers with your own Eau de Ew.
However, given that there’s a pretty common misconception about how effective natural deodorants are, it’s hard to convince naysayers to give non-chemical options a try. If you think that you could never replace your drugstore antiperspirant or deodorant because you simply sweat too much, you’re in for a surprise.
Afternoon beauty fix: How to mix a natural deodorant that still smells sweet
My morning beauty routine consists of all-natural products, save for my deodorant. I don’t feel safe using the mass-market ones, though, so I was thinking of using baby powder instead—would that work? Baby powder was once an early form of deodorant, applied topically to absorb liquid and dry damp skin. It’s comprised of cornstarch and […]
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Green beauty: An eco-friendly deodorant that works
The other day I disposed of three white tops I adored. The problem? Full disclosure: Yellow pit stains, which no laundry remedy can resolve. My excessive sweating (clinically known as hyperhidrosis) has been an issue since my 20s and since that time, many a lovely white tee or tank has met a sad demise due to the gushing sweat that cannot be contained by my armpits. I’ve tried every deodorant, including the clinical strength ones, and still, no reprieve.
The daily steal: Natural deodorant, $10
Ever since we did our Men’s FASHION special this fall, I’ve been obsessed with this Burt’s Bees men’s deodorant that was featured ($10,–it works better than any natural deodorant I’ve tried. The combination of sage, lemon and lavender essential oils smells so amazing (in a his or hers way) that I’m constantly sniffing the […]
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