FASHION Magazine

  • FASHION plates: Fellini

    FASHION Plates: Fellini

    By Randi Bergman and Jordan Porter

    Fellini’s in Toronto (at least in spirit), and we can’t get the 8 ½ director out of our heads. Although he experimented with quite a few styles during his 30-year career, it’s his signature drama, seductiveness and extravagance that are on display at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in the form of film stills, magazine clippings and more. In honour of the molto dolce occasion, we bring you a Fellini-inspired edition of FASHION Plates, to help you channel the indulgent, sexy attitude of his many muses. So, up the glamour and get shopping.

    Head to the TIFF Bell Lightbox for Fellini: Spectacular Obsessions and take in the chic excess associated with the director.

    Bell Lightbox Exhibit (

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