FASHION Magazine

  • They said/We said: What we think about domestic abuse imagery being used in Edmonton salon campaign

    An ad campaign that an Edmonton salon released last year is under fire after a New York blogger accused its creators of promoting domestic violence only a few days ago. Soon to be known locally as the cause of the Fluid Hair Fiasco for weeks to come (at least), the image in question shows a gorgeous albeit battered woman with a black eye sitting below her presumed lover with a highly stylized coif, beside the tagline, “Look good in all you do…”

    It looks a little Mad Menish, perhaps a commentary on the way things were. The only problem is that domestic violence is still, unfortunately, the way things are: the Canadian Women’s Foundation states that on any given day in Canada, more than 3,000 women, along with their 2,500 children, are living in an emergency shelter to escape domestic violence. A massive online backlash from those who believe the ad sends a horrific message (like, you may be getting beaten, but at least you have good hair), has been prodding Fluid Hair owner Sarah Cameron and campaign producer Tiffany Jackson for answers.