FASHION Magazine
Charlottetown: Breaking news–sundresses have power to change weather
Photography by Patrick Callbeck I have a secret. My hatred of the months of February and March sometimes results in irrational, denial-fuelled shopping trips. In a feeble attempt to will winter to end, I find myself purchasing summer dresses, floral and even (I hesitate to write this next word, because I can practically hear the sharp intake of breath that usually precedes my mother’s hearty disapproval) flip-flops.
Charlottetown: Recessionista for the holidays
Recessionista (noun): Person who looks wicked awesome even during times of economic crisis.
I usually have trouble getting behind blend words. (I have one friend who always chirping about the latest bromance or tramedy she saw at the theatre, and I find it to be one hundred per cent cringe-worthy.) But recessionista is slang I can get behind, because it perfectly describes the money saving way I do Christmas. Read on for my favourite thrifts and crafty tips.