FASHION Magazine
Katy Perry has Daria nail art! Here are 5 other ’90s icons we’d like to see painted on her nails
Image via Twitter/Katy Perry Katy Perry was in Tokyo yesterday for the Japanese premiere of her film Part of Me and while there she decided to indulge in some incredible nail art. In a very ’90s nostalgia move, Katy Perry had the faces of nine characters from the cult MTV animated series Daria painted on her nails. This unexpected manicure got us thinking of what other ’90s icons we’d like to see Katy Perry try:
1. The ultimate boy band rivalry: Backstreet Boys on one hand and *NSYNC on the other. Conveniently these groups had five members apiece, so there’s no need to fight over whether Justin or Nick get top placement.
Calgary: Sister act
I grew up with two older brothers and with that came the art of making throwing stars out of soup cans lids and learning to withstand the torture of a good old fashioned snake bite (the arm-twisting kind). As much as I love my big bros, I was like every little girl in my position–I longed for a sister. Someone to braid my hair, puffy paint my clothes and a sibling who would appreciate my deep-seated crush on Uncle Jessie. But, above all, I wanted a sister to share my shoe fetish.
When sisters Jennifer and Laura Ripley open Luna Blue (2611 14 St. SW, 403-244-1644, this past September, it came together organically. With thriving careers—Jennifer working for the Military Family Resource Centre and Laura as a nurse–they both felt the need to shake things up and pursue their common passion for shoes.