FASHION Magazine

  • Calgary: Get Gorgeous

    apr09goodkarma_lgWe all have our own definition of beauty and this notion grows and renovates itself over time.  For example, today I happen to think that the scar on my forehead from a recent snowboarding accident is healing beautifully.  Don’t get me wrong, my interpretation of my once unsightly war wound has evolved over the past four weeks.  But what’s a girl to do but embellish her mind-numbing tale of how her battle scar came to be and ultimately embrace it.  I could go on and on about how beauty is skin deep, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, blah, blah, blah…but deep down you already know that.  If you ask me, if you’re gonna talk the talk, you might as well walk to walk, like personal stylist Karen Judge of Gorgeous studio (