FASHION Magazine

  • Calgary: Adorned, naturally

    More often that not, jewellery tends to be an afterthought in my morning routine. I often push it aside, like brussell sprouts at a Thanksgiving dinner. Before I hit up dessert (in this case, a delicious pair of pumps), I quickly adorn myself with little thought or consideration. It recently occurred to me that I may have missed out on that whimsical fairy phase that most pre-pubescent girls go through. I have never considered diamonds to be my best friend. More like a great aunt, twice removed.

  • Calgary: Reclaim your style

    I like to think of myself as a bit of an urban hippie.  Not the rainbow flip-flop, tree-hugging, non-shaving kind; just a woman who wants to be part of the environmental solution, not the problem.  So, when I have an opportunity to make an affordable eco-chic purchase, I jump at the chance.

  • Toronto: Swapping for one-of-a-kind finds

    The thrill of hunting for one-of-a-kind gems is only part of the allure of vintage shopping. When we source style inspiration in reclaimed garments, our ecological footprint is reduced and as an eco-conscious country, many Canadians wear vintage pieces as if they were badges of honor. Stop any Toronto trendster on the street and ask what they are wearing, chances are they will snobbishly respond, “It’s vintage.” It’s most adorable!

  • Charlottetown: Green Man is the new black

    I love vintage. It’s economical, environmentally friendly and the best way to find a unique piece to wear somewhere special. For me, the best thing about vintage shopping is digging for hours and leaving a store with an amazing find that will make my friends jealous. So when The Green Man Vintage and Vinyl (48 University Ave., 902-566-1361) opened its doors last fall, I was thrilled that the store was everything that vintage shopping is supposed to be—and more.

  • Green eye opener

    By Meagan Albrechtson

    As much as I’ve heard that it isn’t wise to sleep with your makeup on, I’ll admit that after a late night of dancing or schmoozing, I am guilty of crashing head first into my pillow, smoky eyes and all. The downside to this, of course, is waking up the next morning to see a scary version of myself in the mirror.

  • Back to life!

    Sorry for abandoning you, dear readers, but I was buried under a mountain of veils, foam wedding cakes, $20,000 diamonds and countless dresses and bouquets. Yes, it’s production time for Mariage Québec and your poor Montreal editor doesn’t have a life!

  • Ready, Jet Set, Shop

    There is nothing a FASHION editor likes more than a touch of luxe after a long day at the office.  And when it comes to luxe, two bon mots come to mind: Michael Kors.  Some may know him from Project Runway, but he is best known as one of America’s pre-eminent designers of luxury sportswear.  His ad campaigns (think aviator-wearing, python bag–toting, sun-kissed, glowing glamour girls) perfectly capture the essence of the luxe lifestyle, PJs (that’s private jets, love) and all.   So, when MK opened his third lifestyle store in Canada at Yorkdale Shopping Centre, the Tinsley Mortimer set from north of the border came out in droves. 

  • London: Day three

    By Leah Rumack

    Shown: Christopher Kane Fall 2008. Photography by Peter Stigter.

    Right, so I’ve been told to speed things up here in blog-land, so if you want the full force of my deep thoughts, you will just have to take me out for dinner.

    In the meantime…

  • London: Day two

    By Leah Rumack

    Shown: Amanda Wakeley Fall 2008. Photography by Peter Stigter.

    Ossie Clark: Not sure how I felt about this baby, and judging by the merely polite applause after the show for new designer Avsh Alom Gur’s offerings, many of my comrades felt similarly conflicted. While some retro touches, like bright shift dresses and oversize buttons evoked the glory days of old, most of it failed to inspire. Hmmm…was it best to let sleeping seventies labels lie?

  • Sundance: Day four

    The combination of early morning screenings and late night parties are taking their toll, and fatigue is setting in. Luckily, in between screenings and interviews, I can visit an eco lounge where I put my feet up and peruse the earth-friendly swag they have on offer. Standouts include Warmbat boots, which claim to be the world’s first 100 per cent all-natural sheepskin shoes, and a new line of jeans called Undune. Sure to become a cult classic, the jeans combine style and sustainable living into one stretchy pair of green-hearted goodness.

  • ‘Tis better to give

    By Kate MacLennan

    If you’re anything like me, right about now you’re in an eleventh hour panic for at least a couple holiday presents. Exhale. We’ve got some last minute gift ideas that any fashion savvy soul could pull off as her (or his) own.*

    Hunter rain boots (from $129)
    *Vancouver availability listed, but most items available across Canada.

  • Episode 17: Once a player…

    Outdoor café. Lauren and Brody are lunching, and it’s highly romantic, as usual. “Wow, your eyes look very beautiful right now,” Brody says. “They look very blue…ish. I need to get some eyes like that.” He could use some new eyes, as his just won’t stop wandering: “Little cuties everywhere,” he remarks offhandedly, checking out another girl. He glances back at Lauren long enough to notice that her bluish eyes have narrowed. “Kidding,” he says.