FASHION Magazine

  • Makeup superstar Dick Page refuses to judge a reality show, but loves a good leg of lamb

    Sadly, no XXs or Oos included. Photography by Kira Crugnale

    When you’re based in Toronto, it’s not often that you get the privilege of encountering your idolized beauty rock stars in person, since so few of the major ones ever cross our border. Please, Pat McGrath or Guido Palau in our city? Never happening. The only way you’ll get face time with these power players is by going to New York, where I was lucky enough interview the almighty Dick Page at a Shiseido event back in May, about eyeshadows he designed for the brand. I’ve spoken before of my admiration for him, but this launch was a chance to interview him for more than the few minutes you get backstage at New York Fashion Week, where you’re expected to clear out as soon as you have your quotes. I’m already giddily anxious in his presence, but what elevated the night to a whole other level was the fact that the president of Shiseido Canada invited Dick for drinks with us afterwards—and he accepted! We ended up at some random champagne bar, and while I didn’t get to sit next to him (that honour went to an editor from Montreal), I learned a few things about him that have nothing to do with makeup: