FASHION Magazine

  • Tyra Banks will reprise her role as a lifesize…doll

    It has been almost 13 long years since we were blessed with the original Life Size movie, and today, Tyra Banks has announced on her Twitter that she’ll be returning for a sequel. Tyra is coming back to take her place as Eve—the doll turned human—and will also be the producer of the next installment of the movie which will air on the Disney Channel.

    In case your memories of Life Size are blurry, here’s a refresher course: the original starred Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks and was a made for TV movie. Tyra Banks started as Lindsay Lohan’s toy doll and magically turned into a real life size human (get it?). Tyra Banks obviously fell in love with Lindsay Lohan’s faux TV dad, sang a song about shining bright like a star, and they all lived happily ever after.