FASHION Magazine
Here’s What Happened When My Friend Got Rich
Sudden wealth can dramatically change a friendship. Novelist Kia Abdullah knows this all too well.
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Millennial Money Guru Gaby Dunn on the One Thing Everyone Can Do to Save Money
In order to understand money, Gaby Dunn made it her full-time job. After writing a viral essay for Splinter titled “Get Rich or Die Vlogging: The Sad Economics of Internet Fame,” which chronicled how holding currency in the attention economy does not always translate into cold hard cash, the journalist, screenwriter and YouTuber parlayed her […]
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Gucci May Face Trial Following Alleged Tax Evasion
It was almost a year ago that Gucci’s head offices were raided after the luxury brand was suspected of tax evasion. Now it seems the case may finally go to trial. Milan officers recently finished up their investigation into the company and now allege that the brand owes the Italian tax authorities around €1 billion […]
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11 ways to side hustle like nobody’s business (and make some extra cash)
A photo posted by Chriselle Lim ? 임소정 (@chrisellelim) on Apr 27, 2016 at 8:53pm PDT We get it. Money can get tighter than a pair of too-small skinny jeans. With the rising costs of practically everything, sometimes it’s hard to splurge on something special every once in a while. Rather than feeling guilty over […]
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10 fashion buys that are just not worth it
If you’re a woman who is into fashion, chances are you’ve spent money on some big trend or other and then tried to make it work for way too long before realizing it just. Isn’t. Worth it. It can be hard to know ahead of time which purchase is going to be worth the money. […]
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How to save money, the fashion way: 18 genius tips from experts and style savants
With tax season in full swing, it seems all things are coming up green (and by that we mean nausea). Accounting for a year’s worth of income tends to induce panic: “Where did all my money go?” “Am I poor?” And since some fashion gals might have a harder time holding onto cash (you think […]
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SNP’s word of the day: Mancession
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: Mancession
Definition: “An economic instance in which the unemployment rate is substantially higher among men than it is among women. The term was coined during the financial crisis of 2008–2009, during which men bore the brunt of the job losses in the United States, at rates close to 50 percent higher than those of women.” — Investopedia (this is a thing that exists! Money is funny)
SNP’s word of the day: Unhate
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: Unhate
Definition: A Toni Braxton-esque made-up word to sell sweaters and preach social tolerance.