FASHION Magazine

  • Montreal: A travel tip sheet

    Clockwise from left: Handsome Furs by Liam Maloney; La Croissanterie Figaro by bopuc (Flickr); Parc La Fontaine via Wikipedia
    Clockwise from left: Handsome Furs, La Croissanterie Figaro and Parc La Fontaine

    All good things must come to an end, and sadly, this is my last entry on the fashion magazine website. To finish up in beauty, I’ve decided to write this one with a personal note. Here’s my top three reasons why you should all come and visit Montreal! And since fashion is a bit everywhere and anywhere, my humble suggestions of the perfect outfit for each occasion.

    Music! Have you heard all the great bands that are coming out of here? I mean, did you even lend an ear to Think About Life, Parlovr or Handsome Furs? Not only the music is awesome, but they all look so good doing it!
    The rock show outfit = Cheap Monday skinny black jeans + old black Converse + white men’s tank top