FASHION Magazine

  • Pool party at the Four Seasons

    Around the FASHION editorial office, “staycation” has become one of those faddish mongrel-words on our Avoid list—along with recessionista and celebutante. But the fact remains that sometimes on a 30-degree day you don’t find yourself at a friend’s family cottage or on a glamorous yacht for the weekend. What is one to do? Cobble together a holiday in the city, that’s what.

    With this in mind, I towed an unsuspecting friend to the Four Seasons (21 Avenue Rd., 416-964-0411) pool on a recent Saturday as a birthday treat—the FS democratically offers a day pass to us non-staying plebs for a riff-raff-deterring $60. She died and went to heaven, what with the comfy loungers, cocktail menu, limitless crisp, white towels and sparkly, consistent sun (plus the gossip rags, foreign fashion mags and Sour Keys that I supplied). Double bonus friend points to me.