FASHION Magazine

  • Why refrigeration is key for organic, raw and all-natural beauty products

    Odacite Beauty Fridge
    Photography by Andrea Victory-LaCasse

    Natural beauty is more than the sum of a few drops of the hottest new ingredient. The real stuff—the good stuff—is about freshness; using products designed with active ingredients within a particular timespan so that the ingredients retain all of their freshness and efficiency.

    Consider it as you would your food: The fresher the product, the more beneficial the results. However, food obviously differs from cosmetic concoctions—it’s unlikely you’d be eating the same banana over six months. Products containing organic, raw, and pure ingredients need to last longer than the average head of lettuce, but to keep the formulation free of chemicals, it often means removing many mainstream preservatives and replacing them with natural ones. It also means a shorter use-by date. Hence, refrigeration.