FASHION Magazine

  • They said/We said: Michelle Obama and the Queen of Qatar spend $50,000 at Agent Provocateur

    Michelle Obama may preach a budget-conscious wardrobe, but that must not apply to her skivvies; the first lady reportedly dropped a nonchalant $50,000 at lingerie shop extraordinaire Agent Provocateur.

    We normally wouldn’t comment on anyone’s pre-Valentine’s Day prep (which must be why Mobama and Queen Sheikha Mozah took to Madison Ave—and partly closed it off due to their arrival—for their luxury lingerie shopping spree) but for someone whose husband is up for re-election in a time where budget issues are a vital factor, we say it’s probably not the smartest idea to spend on lingerie what most people spend on a car.

    Agent Provocateur is certainly benefiting from the Mrs. O’s business; the Telegraph reports she was the reason the store increased 12 per cent in sales last year, which makes us think: could all this be a publicity stunt to garner attention for the store?

    We’d like to think the first lady is smarter than this, and likely had a bit of help from Queen Mozah in racking up the huge bill (that is, if the spree actually happened). Either way we can’t help but wonder what the Prez had to say about all this. Actually, we’re pretty sure he won’t be complaining.