FASHION Magazine

  • Curly vs. straight hair: 6 Beauty Panel tips for straying from your natural texture in the summer

    At one point or another, we’ve all wished for hair different than what we were born with. Which straight-haired gal hasn’t deemed her hair lifeless some mornings and prayed for bouncy curls? And show us a curly-haired lady who hasn’t dreamt of effortlessly sleek strands? Let’s face it; we all want we don’t have. With celebrities these days, being the hair chameleons that they are, rocking envious curls one day, and silky smooth, straight hair the next, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t totally jealous.

    But without a hairstylist on hand 24/7, jumping from one spectrum to the other on our own is no easy task. Sure, many of us have learned to be okay with the fact that our hair tends to do what it wants , but when you feel determined to step over to the other side, we’ve turned to our panel of beauty gurus to help you out. So, for those who are born with curly hair, Beauty Panel has tips and tricks for keeping it straight. And for those with straight hair who like it curly? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answer to that too.

    Challenge 70: How do you maintain a hair texture that isn’t the one you were born with ? See the answers now! »