FASHION Magazine

  • Almost exotic

    Ahhhh… Finally the summer (or almost. I still haven’t been to the McGill swimming pool, the secret chic summer hangout of every true Montrealer, so for me it’s still winter): the parties, the barbecues under the rain, the gladiators and pedis, and, of course, the holidays!!

  • Vancouver’s red carpet

    “In a notoriously laid-back city, it’s nice to see a bit of red carpet glamour,” said Maggie Langrick, the new arts editor at the Vancouver Sun and my co-judge for this year’s Best Dressed on the Red Carpet at the Leo Awards. We were being asked what was the best part of being asked to present this award, and her words were spot on.

  • Episode 28: The next move is yours

    Audrina and Justin are checking out a gorgeous loft in downtown L.A. “I feel like I’m so far away from everyone,” Audrina says. “But think about it—don’t you always try to get away from where you’re at right now?” Justin asks, sounding entirely too reasonable for someone whose sunglass arms are wedged in his ears. “I live by myself right now in the guesthouse, so it’s like I might as well get my own place,” Audrina concedes.

  • Episode 27: No Place Like Home

    Heidi walks into Brent Bolthouse’s office and gets down to business. “I know that you guys have been expanding everywhere… I wanna be a part of this company as much as I can, so I would love to get my hands in there and make myself as available to you as much as I can,” she says, “especially if that means travelling or relocating.” Who wouldn’t want to give more responsibility to such an eloquent person, who’s not at all using her job as a way to escape her problems?

  • Episode 26: A date with the past

    Lauren, Lo and Audrina tour their new house, which is, as they exclaim five times, "so pretty!" Audrina will apparently be living in the guesthouse instead of in the main house with the others. "Are you going to be O.K. staying back here?" Lauren asks.

  • Episode 25: A new roommate

    They made it out of Teen Vogue‘s closet, but Lauren and Whitney still have to fold clothes – as we open, they’re doing just that at People’s Revolution. As usual, they’re discussing Lauren’s social life as they work. Lauren’s worried that Audrina’s recent spate of outings with Heidi will lead to more home visits. "I can’t tell [Audrina] what to do in her home," Lauren says, "but at the same time, it’s my home as well, and I don’t want people in there that I don’t get along with."

  • Episode 24: Girls night out

    Despite assuring Lauren last week that she had no intention of befriending Heidi, Audrina is all too quick to accompany her to lunch when Heidi shows up at Epic Records. Heidi is grateful and doesn’t mind showing it. "You don’t know how nice it is to be able to talk to you again," she gushes. She invites Audrina along on a girls’ night out – "No boys, no Spencer," she declares. I’m sure that plan will work out perfectly.

  • Episode 23: Just be careful

    As the show opens, Whitney is busy recapping her New York trip for Lauren, detailing all of her backstage duties. "That’s like my ideal job," Lauren says wistfully. "I know," Whitney replies. "I mean, while I was doing it, I was like, ‘Lauren would be loving this right now.’"

  • Episode 22: When Spencer finds out

    Post–computer class. Lauren invites Steph and her fluffy bangs to her 22nd birthday bash. Steph clearly wants to go (who wouldn’t, when the alternative is hanging out at home with Spencer?), but shockingly, she doesn’t want to cause any drama. "Are you sure you really want me there? I mean, I am Spencer’s sister," she says. "I don’t care if you’re Spencer’s sister," Lauren replies. "I’m not gonna dislike someone because of their blood."

  • Episode 21: An unexpected friend

    We open in Lauren’s computer class at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. Her instructor is calling the roll. "Lauren? Hey, Lauren. Daniella, her last name is Usher? Hi. Stephanie Pratt?" Lauren’s eyes widen as Spencer’s sister makes a fashionably late entrance and takes a seat only two down from hers. "The first day, it’s difficult for some people," the instructor says. Lady, you don’t know how right you are.

  • Episode 20: Back to L.A.

    "Sometimes going away gives you a different perspective on things. But when you come home, everything is different," Lauren says in her opening voiceover. She illustrates this point by letting Audrina know that she’s over Brody now. Yep, she’s totally over him. Doesn’t care about his new "girlfriend" at all. Certainly won’t cause a scene the next time she sees him. Nope.

  • Episode 19: Paris changes everything

    We open in Paris! Lauren and Whitney get off the plane and meet their driver. "What do we want to do?" Whitney asks, foolishly assuming that they will have any free time. "You have your itinerary," the driver says. The girls consult it, see that they’re supposed to pick up shoes for two of the Crillon Ball’s debutantes… and decide to go to Alberta Ferretti and get their own gowns instead. Paris certainly hasn’t changed their ability to follow directions!