FASHION Magazine

  • Hot Disc: Woodhands, Remorsecapade


    We don’t recommend you sit at home and listen to WoodhandsRemorsecapade (Paper Bag). Get out and request their songs when you’re at a sweaty dance party—you’ll bounce along with this record’s front loaded punch and intensity.

    Woodhands is Dan Werb and Paul Banwatt, an inditronica drum and keytar synth based in Toronto who rock in both drollery and sensibility. On Remoresecapade you’re either having far too much fun, or on the verge of bumming out. On tunes like “CP24,” Werb lets you know that “I’m gonna’ be on CP24, pointing sixteen-hundred roman candles at your door.” It’s relentless, it’s spastic, entirely danceable and lyrically odd.