FASHION Magazine

  • Beauty Fix: What to look for when buying a liquid liner, a safer way to treat breakouts and more

    Beauty Fix

    Every week our Beauty Fix columnist takes on your questions about makeup, skincare, hair and more. Have a beauty question we haven’t answered? Email us at

    I feel like every time I paint my nails, I can’t sit still long enough to let them dry. How can I speed up this process?
    I think it’s practically a rule in life that when you’re waiting for your freshly painted nails to dry, you’ll suddenly have an undeniable urge to reach into your purse or pocket. Fortunately, we can usher the drying process along by applying a couple drops of Quo by Orly Dry In A Sec drops ($10, at Shoppers Drug Mart) on each nail. These drops utilize quick-drying silicones to protect the polish from smudging while drying at a rapdi. And keep in mind that when you’re applying your colour, thin, even coats of nail polish (instead of thicker coats) will be your best friend if you really want to reduce your drying time!