FASHION Magazine

  • Hate the size guessing game involved with online shopping? There’s going to be a body scanner for that

    Online Shopping Body Scanner
    Photography via Pink Sherbert Photography/Flickr

    For those who have been deterred from shopping online for fear of fit problems, a new technology being developed there will soon be a way to make shopping for clothing online easier.British researchers are working on a new body scanning device called Body Shape Recognition for Online Fashion that will allow online shoppers to correctly know what size to buy on any retailers website.

    Being developed by the London College of Fashion, the University of Surrey and Bodymetrics, the system has an easy way to determine correct sizing. Shoppers simply input in their height online and then take a full-length picture of themselves with a webcam or cell phone. After putting this information into the system it can then determine all other measurements. Combined with the person’s body proportions the system builds a 3D image of the consumer, and then gives the correct measurements for clothing to be used when shopping online.