FASHION Magazine

  • Is the bush back? Why you should rethink your monthly Brazilian wax

    is the brazilian wax over
    Photography by Nikki Ormerod; Bracelets, from $160, by Rebekah Price except right hand bottom bracelet, $850, from Carole Tanenbaum Vintage Collection

    Not ready to let it grow? 5 bush grooming essentials »

    I remember my first time. It was over 10 years ago and, like all first times, it’s a bit of a blur. But I do remember that it involved a trim redhead with a thick Scottish burr contemplating my lady garden as she warmed up her little pot of wax.

    “Oh, don’t worry,” she said cheerfully. “Your wee man in a boat is safe with me!” And then she weeded my garden thoroughly, and I loved the results. Everything was so tidy! I haven’t gone back to my fully au naturel self below the belt since. What can I say? I’m a woman of the times, and the times said Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian.