FASHION Magazine
What To Read Next If You Loved “Cat Person”
In the year of 2017, was anyone expecting a short story out of the New Yorker to go viral? No. Definitely not. And yet, Kristen Roupenian’s “Cat Person” has turned the Internet into a heated, passionate bookclub of men, women, millennials and everyone else hanging out on the web. “Cat Person” tells the story of Margot, a […]
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SNP’s word of the day: Callipygian
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: Callipygian
Meaning: Having beautiful buttocks. No, really. It’s from the Greek kallipygos, from kalli- + pyg? Buttocks.
Usage: “Those dusky Afro-Scandinavian buttocks, which combine the callipygian rondure observed among the races of the Dark Continent with the taut and noble musculature of sturdy Olaf, our blond Northern cousin.” — Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow