FASHION Magazine
Quotable: This size zero pop star misses being “chunkier”
If this is a bid for sympathy, we’re not sure it’s going to work with most women: Rihanna has been sounding off about her size zero body as of late, saying she misses being “chunkier.” The Bajan bombshell lamented her former bodacious behind to US Weekly a few weeks ago, then complained to Harper’s Bazaar in her August cover story about her shrunken butt yet again.
“I don’t know if there’s something going on with my body right now, but I’m eating everything in life! I miss my ass. It just went away! I need a butt. I have an idea of one, but it’s not living up to its full potential right now.”
SNP’s word of the day: Callipygian
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: Callipygian
Meaning: Having beautiful buttocks. No, really. It’s from the Greek kallipygos, from kalli- + pyg? Buttocks.
Usage: “Those dusky Afro-Scandinavian buttocks, which combine the callipygian rondure observed among the races of the Dark Continent with the taut and noble musculature of sturdy Olaf, our blond Northern cousin.” — Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow