FASHION Magazine

  • It’s okay to be a cat lady! 5 fashion picks for a stylish feline-loving existence

    Cat Lady Fashion

    See our cat lady fashion picks »

    Cat lovers, it’s time. Time to say it loud and proud. For too long “cat lady” has been derogatory, an insulting term meant to insinuate that because one has cats, one has nothing else. Well, female cat owners, listen up: Y’all are cat ladies. But by that I mean simply: ladies who won cats! You can also be stylish, well-loved, vibrant, social creatures, and you probably are. Shove it, cat lady haters. Cats rule and we are not apologizing for it (neither are they, have you met a cat?). They are adorable, independent, cuddly, and, may I add, fashionable as hell.