FASHION Magazine

  • SNP’s word of the day: Iconoplast

    Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

    Word: Iconoplast

    Meaning: One who chooses to age naturally (or at least, who appears to age naturally).

    Usage: “I love what Julianne Moore hasn’t done with her face; she’s such an iconoplast!”

    You should know it because: Sometimes—or perhaps always, and I only sometimes notice—New York Times Magazine puts up neologisms for adoption. I love reading these, duh, although sometimes they should most definitely not be used as words. “Skinjecture,” for example, as in to speculate about who has had plastic surgery? Grossssss. “Iconoplast,” though, is great. It’s a hybrid of “iconoclast,” which in turn is taken from iconoclasm, and “plastic,” as in plastic surgery.