FASHION Magazine
The Next Generation of Face Wash: Jiggly Spheres and Powerful Powders
Cleansing our face has generally been viewed as a functional step at the end of the day. It’s never been particularly exciting, with the laziest among us opting for the bare minimum with a facial wipe or cringingly worse, skipping it altogether. (Please don’t do that, we beseech you with pearl-clutching horror). But the humble […]
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5 Genius Ways to Incorporate Tea Into Your Beauty Routine
Blame it on our ambitious desire to continuously seek out improvements to our lives (read: envy those picture-perfect Insta-stars a little less), but we seem to be addicted to uncovering the latest ground-breaking upgrades to our beauty routines. We mean, can’t our hair can always be silkier, complexions clearer, and lashes longer? But with every […]
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10 teas that improve your skin, mood, and more
It’s true that few things beat a steaming, fragrant cup of coffee. I know that I, for one, am loath to give it up. But truth is, during periods of high stress or when battling certain unpleasant conditions (UTIs, skin conditions, upset stomach, among others), it’s often best to skip your cup of joe because […]
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Vancouver: Tea time for tired skin
Photo via Flickr/rumpleteaser Tons of sun (and SPF, yes, but still) this summer plus an exhausting-but-fun trip to London Fashion Week means my skin has been none too pleased with me lately. To the rescue: the Green Tea Matcha Facial ($80) at the Spa at Suki’s (3157 Granville St., Vancouver, 604-738-2127,, the unexpectedly-quiet sanctuary underneath the bustling South Granville hair salon.