FASHION Magazine

  • Beauty Fix: Two tricks for saying goodbye to cellulite and more answers to your beauty questions

    get rid of cellulite beauty fix

    Every week our Beauty Fix columnist takes on your questions about makeup, skincare, hair and more. Have a beauty question we haven’t answered? Email us at

    Are there any products out there that actually do get rid of cellulite? Or even the appearance of it?
    This is a very common question that I’m certain many women want to know the answer to, especially this time of year. To put it simply, there is no technical way to get rid of cellulite. There are products and methods that can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but nothing will magically make cellulite disappear. I know, I know, that’s a lot of real talk to take in. That being said, working to reduce the appearance of cellulite is always worth a shot, right? Start in the shower by using Bliss FatGirlSlim Soap ($22,, which is a nubby soap bar that contains caffeine, peppermint and grapefruit extracts to stimulate circulation and jojoba beads to exfoliate skin. Follow up with Clarins High Definition Body Lift ($68,, a body treatment lotion that contains caffeine and patent-pending breakthrough ingredients Celosia Cristata Extract and Aquatic Mint Extract, which are plant extracts that target fatty tissue from developing cellulite in the first place. Ultimately, stimulation of the area is essential to tackling cellulite woes.