FASHION Magazine
Mad Men Recap: SCDP pitches Jaguar, Pete makes an indecent proposal and our hearts bleed for Joan and Peggy
Photography by Jordin Althaus/AMC Previously on Mad Men, we worried about Lane’s money problems, saw Harry reconnect with a Hare Krishna’d–out Paul and discovered that Roger knows he’s Kevin’s dad. Most importantly, we were treated to the delightful punchline of “a guy and a bombshell walk into a midtown bar” as Don and Joan got business-drunk and bonded. In this episode, we see that Don was serious about his promise to work on Jaguar around the clock: we pick up with him and some freelance creatives hunkered down in the boardroom plastered with inspiration boards. So let’s see what they came up with…
Hello, welcome to Sterling Cooper Draper Price Harris! (Holloway?) »
Mad Men Recap: Betty’s back, Don gets a lesson in girl behaviour, Sally learns how to fake cry and Pete can’t stop thinking about Rory Gilmore
Photography courtesy of Michael Yarish/AMC She ain’t heavy, she’s just Betty! The last significant taste we got of Mrs. Francis was when she was having a health scare and a sundae. While she’s the focus this ep, the rest of the cast (except Lane, who must be fist fighting in a pub somewhere) gets at least a little time to whine: Pete’s affair with his train bud’s wife is still distracting him when he’s not busy giving New York Times interviews; Ginsberg joins Peggy in some late night sidelining; Don’s back in the office on weekends and seems to be done with his “love leave” now that Megan has resigned; and last week may have been all about the phone booth but this week the elevator gets some major play. Let’s see where everyone is getting off…