FASHION Magazine
SNP’s word of the day: Hacker
Word: Hacker
Meaning: Someone who uses computers and technology to gain unlawful access to data; someone who uses that access to mess with the digital world.
Usage: “Computer hackers are frequently denigrated as mere digital pranksters. But some are now finding they have the power to change the world for good” — from the dek of a Guardian piece by The Revolution Will Be Digitised–author, Heather Brooks.
SNP’s word of the day: Reimagining
Word: Reimagining
Meaning: A new conception of something that already exists in a complete state; a reinvention of the proverbial wheel.
Usage: “It’s not a remake. It’s a reimagining.” — every Hollywood A-list-hole who’s ever made an inferior, insulting, and/or inconsequential new version of a movie we loved the way it was, thank you.