FASHION Magazine
Are Clear Bags a Tool of the Surveillance State?
Our affinity for sharing our curated lives in URL seems to have migrated to IRL territory with the recent buzz about clear handbags. These totes, which are made of vinyl, are the analogue attempt to blur the private-public divide. You can have an Instagram-worthy still-life shot and then show off your perfectly curated life on […]
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SNP’s word of the day: Hacker
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: Hacker
Meaning: Someone who uses computers and technology to gain unlawful access to data; someone who uses that access to mess with the digital world.
Usage: “Computer hackers are frequently denigrated as mere digital pranksters. But some are now finding they have the power to change the world for good” — from the dek of a Guardian piece by The Revolution Will Be Digitised–author, Heather Brooks.
SNP’s word of the day: McLuhanism
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: McLuhanism
Definition: Basically, a set of principles derived from and defined by the thinking of McLuhan, as in Marshall, the ’60s radical thinker and media prophet. You literally can’t be Canadian and go to high school without knowing at least one thing about him: usually, that “the medium is the message.”