FASHION Magazine
SNP’s word of the day: McLuhanism
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett Word: McLuhanism
Definition: Basically, a set of principles derived from and defined by the thinking of McLuhan, as in Marshall, the ’60s radical thinker and media prophet. You literally can’t be Canadian and go to high school without knowing at least one thing about him: usually, that “the medium is the message.”
The culture club: Top 6 things to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon
Check out Banana Girls at the Ryerson University Film Festival The work week is over, weekend chores are done, and if you’re one to engage in festive merrymaking on Saturday evenings, Sunday afternoons are usually reserved for repose. However, with the promise of summer sunshine peaking out from just around the bend, Fellow Culturite and intern at The Society Global, Nicole Schaeffer, has recommended her leisurely activities to get you off the couch and out of the house!
An occasional serving of even the trashiest, most self-indulgent, excessive of tabloids can be a healthy break from navigating through office memos and monstrous reply-all threads. Spending an afternoon cloistered in a book shop is a fine way to spend a rainy Sunday. Honestly, is there anything better than cracking the spine of an unopened book? If you’re looking for something meatier than US Weekly, Culturites are currently reading Vicky Ward’s chronicle of the end of Lehman Brothers, The Devil’s Casino.
One part childhood nostalgia mixed with one part sangria seems to equate to an afternoon of juvenile delights. Delving into some basement boxes should yield a variety of options to engage in a round of board games with buds. Remember Gumdrop Mountain from Candy Land? Or Miss Scarlett from Clue? In fact, we spent last Saturday night (and early Sunday morning) playing Trivial Pursuit at Julie’s Snack Bar (202 Dovercourt Rd., 416-532-7397, over a feast of Cuban food and mojitos!