FASHION Magazine
Texture Talk: How to Repair Heat and Colour Damage
Heat and colour damage is hard to repair, plain and simple, and, to be honest, it can be one of the most discouraging parts of your natural curly hair care journey, especially when it’s due to methods you’ve used with the intention of actually elevating your style. However, there is hope at the end of […]
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5 DIY hair treatments you can do with ingredients you have in the fridge
It’s almost the long weekend, and you’re probably running around getting last minute waxes and pedicures and compiling the perfect playlist. (May we suggest Drake?) Or maybe you took off from work early and you’re already floating around on a pool noodle. Forgive us for being presumptuous but we’re guessing you forgot to do a […]
The post 5 DIY hair treatments you can do with ingredients you have in the fridge appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Afternoon beauty fix: Don’t fear the keratin treatment!
I’ve heard both good and bad news about keratin treatments recently—should I try keratin to help my dry, frizzy hair or should I avoid it?
First off, it was the addition of formaldehyde in a few specific keratin treatments that can be blamed for the bad press, not the keratin itself. To get a little scientific, keratin is a naturally occurring protein found in hair, nails, and skin. It’s also key in the composition of healthy hair: each strand of hair is composed of three layers—the surface, the cuticle, and the core—and surrounded by a whole bunch of proteins, including keratin, which look like shingles on a roof. (We did say “a little” scientific!)