FASHION Magazine
5 disgusting foods that are actually so good for you
There are plenty of food trends that we can get behind: We’ll take cronuts, tacos and Brooklyn-style pizzas any day. But when it comes to the latest nutrition fads? Let’s just say these superfoods aren’t your typical fruits and vegetables. But nutritionists are extolling their virtues nonstop, so read on to find out what totally […]
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Superfoods 2014: Everything you need to know about kombucha, kefir, chia seeds and more!
These days, stylish accessories go beyond the PS1 and into the realm of the It beverage (kombucha, anyone?). We do what Gwynnie does, and Madonna disciples are more than ready to chug what she chugs (both stars are reportedly fans of the probiotic-packed bevvy). Superfoods come and go, though, and sometimes at fast-fashion speed. Believe us, you’re not alone if you’ve ever been struck by analysis paralysis in the health food aisle. Here, our panel of nutrition experts gives us the scoop on the foods that everyone’s talking about.